This weekend I did these delicious cookies. I can’t stop eating these cookies! They have walnuts and chocolate, mmmm, great!

I show you the ingredients that way:

1.  Walnuts and chocolate had to be cut in little pieces.

     2.  Put two eggs in a bowl.

3.  Put in butter, flour, sugar and yeast. Mix it carefully with your hands because the mass is very thick. Must ensure the butter is dissolved completely with the other ingredients.

4.  The result is the mass you can see here:

5.  We add walnuts and chocolate, mix it all again with our hands until you see this:

Once the mass is done you have two options. The way you do the shape of the cookies to put them in the oven, will set their look.
You can do it with two spoons (or one spoon and a hand) in order to not make a perfect ball. The result is (see the cookies in the bottom).

Or you can do the balls rolling little portions of the mass in your hands until they look like in the picture. They look more equal.

In my opinion, I like the first kind.

Put them in the oven, upon a tray covered with foil or oven paper, at 338F.
Get them out of the tray before they get completely cool.

Bon profit!



  1. quina bona pinta..... també es podrien fer mes "xafadetes" i semblarien les "chips ahoy" o les cookies de l'"starbucks", no?

  2. Si la massa em queda com humida i s'enganxa als dits, com ho faig per aconseguir la textura igual que la que es veu a la foto?.... Crec q m'he passat amb la mantequilla...

  3. Hola Ester! si vols fer que s'assemblin a les de l'Starbucks pots extendre tota la massa amb un curró, que quedi plana i junta. Amb un got boca-terra pots anar tallant rodoles. Recorda que un cop al forn, la llevadura farà que creixin una mica...

    Sobre el tema de la massa humida... és important ficar les mesures exactes de la recepta. Es estrany que et quedi humit perquè de moll només hi ha els dos ous i la resta és solid. Bé, ja em diràs! ;)

  4. Hi Ester! if you want them look like the Starbucks cookies you can spread the dough in a smooth surface. With a glass or something round shape cut the dough in cercles. Remember that once baked, the yeast will make the cookies grow a little...

    You say your dough is wet... it is important to get the exact measurements of the ingredients. It's strange that your dough is wet because there are only two eggs and the rest is solid.

  5. Ei, doncs lo del curró no hi havia caigut, bona idea. Merci! Jo lo q havia pensat era fer igualment lea boletes i axafar-les una mica.

    I per la massa, hi he afegit una mica més de farina i crec q ha quedat força bé! A veure com queden un cop cuites, ja ho comentaré.


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