As I said before, last weekend I went to Barcelona.
I have a strange love story with the city: I miss it when I'm away, but after a few days in there I need to runaway...

Truth to be told, the city was charming these days. You can smell flowers in the air, and the nice weather is calling you to go out, walk the streets and find yourself surprised by things like this:

Picture: Ajuntament de Barcelona
Walking along the Diagonal, I stumbled upon this Modernism Fair. The fair, now in its 8th year, wants to recapture the spirit of Eixample over 100 years ago. Craft stalls, handmade products, perfectly preserved old cars, people dressed in Art Noveau style, hats, long dresses and a very good atmosphere...  I felt like I was in a Downton Abby episode! And all in the heart of Barcelona.

I left my camera so I had to take the pictures with my phone (sorry!).

Oh, Barcelona!


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