Good morning! How do you deal with these winter days? Here in Barcelona we can't complain too much, but when I go to Lleida for the weekend, warm clothes are a must! Like these two outfits.

Hope you like them!


Mango denim shirt
€22 - mango.com

Topshop wool coat
€105 - topshop.com

Topshop khaki pants
€12 - topshop.com

Ash high heel sneaker
€115 - asos.com

Zara bag
€30 - zara.com

Zara leaf necklace
€19 - zara.com

Dorothy perkin
€3,72 - dorothyperkins.com


Long sleeve shirt

Mango coat
€47 - mango.com

€30 - topshop.com

Zara bootie heels
€52 - zara.com

Zara shopper handbag
€15 - zara.com

Zara chain link necklace
€22 - zara.com

Tomas maier
€510 - farfetch.com




A few months ago I found Eilen Tein‘s blog, a Finnish girl who luckily translates to English many of her tutorials. She does gorgeous projects, but one of them caught my attention: a crochet cat’s house. So I decided to try it, and this is the result!

I had done a few adventures to decipher the tutorial because it was the first time I took a crochet needle! But after trying  a lot (a lot) and with the help of my mother and my mother-in-law (they already had experience in crocheting) my project is finished.

Yes, I don’t have a cat! The truth is this house is for Nino, my friend Elisabeth's cat.

I leave you here the link to Eilen blog, if you want to take a look if you decide to try it. You can find there  very interesting tutorials.
I used a bamboo needle clothing num. 10. You will find the ribbon in Hooked. Hooked is a Netherlands trademark that sells ribbons of fun fabric and solid colors too. It’s sad for me because they not send ribbons to Catalonia, so the only way to find them here is on the DMC web, but only the solid colors…

Until now I could find Hooked ribbon in some shops of Barcelona, but now it's  being replaced by other cheaper brands that, in my opinion, are not as easy to manipulate and the project is not so well finished.
It’s important that the ribbon is elastic! Otherwise it will be difficult to make the stitches.

The door is very cute, and also I put a pink wire into the points so that it stays open and the kitten can get inside easily.


Well, if you decide to do it and have any question, feel free to ask me! ;)

See you soon!



This weekend my computer decided to stay in a coma, so I'm writing today's post from my phone. I hope I can  fix it soon, but until then my blog entries will be reduced. I'm not excited  with this writing via mobile and I'm not comfortable with the idea of writing while I'm at work. Boring days are waiting  for me... Luckily, there's always music around me.

Like this one from Passion Pit

Or this one by The Raveonettes:  

Update: my computer is back alive! I lost a lot of info (markers and some documents) but the music is all saved, yey!

Have a lovely day!



It's been a long time since the last "video inspiration" post, and I definitely need some to get through these winters days. Maybe dreaming about travel to South America, where now is summer...

In South America - 2012 from Vincent Urban on Vimeo.

Don't you wish to take your backpack and run away? For now, in my case it's just a dream, so far there is no trip around the corner, but who knows!

And what about you? Are you planning something special for the weekend?




I guess many of you already know the iPad mini, a small and versatile tablet that has caught the attention of many users. Now it can be found in stores with the following versions and prices:
16GB 329 €, 32GB 429 € and 64GB 529 €.

People demands became real, and the iPad mini was released as a smaller tablet, which can be hold up well with one hand and cheaper than the original.
There are many people who say that there is no real competition against Apple, but since the beginning of 2012 there are two devices that should be considered: the Nexus 7 and Kindle Fire HD. These 7-inch tablets offer an unbeatable price with excellent Android system. But Apple didn’t stay behind and released the iPad mini. It is more than a smaller version of the iPad, this is a device redesigned completely getting a really great result.

The smooth beveled side of the screen has two purposes: less metal and glass, and therefore less weight, and ensures that the screen can be touched and slid with only a finger when you're holding it with one hand.
It includes stereo speakers at the bottom that despite don't produce a perfect sound, it easily fills a small room in a very satisfactory way.  
The screen doesn’t have the pixels per inch to be considered Retina. However, the screen is still much better than many others.


Some other characteristics:
Fontal Face Time HD camera offers video recording at 720p and able to get images that reach the quality of 1.2 megapixels.
The screen resolution is the same as the iPad 2, it’s perfect for most apps.
The new Lightning connector saves space and allows faster upload and sync.
Weight is very important to choosing a tablet, because we have it many hours in our hand. In this aspect the iPad mini is very competitive in front of other tablets.
If you hold the device with your thumb over the edge, the system will not recognize the accidentally touches on that side of the screen, assuming you use your thumb to hold it. But if you touch the screen with the same thumb it will function normally.

This is the Nexus 7. And below there is a picture where you can visually compare the two tablets.



This is the Kindle Fire HD, with a photo that compares the three tablets.

Let's do a comparative table to have a more clear the difference between the three tablets.

We might say that the iPad mini is small enough to take a photo on the street without feeling ridiculous, and comfortably to read a magazine.
Hopefully this post will help you a bit to choose your tablet.
 Font: iCreate nun.36







Last Saturday was a fantastic day. Monica and I met with family and friends around a table, we saw the rain falling through the windows having tea and biscuits, relaxing to let new ideas born…
We talked and have fun until night.

The Tea is from El Magnífico, a coffee and tea shop, delicious!
The wool on the photo is from IFIL, a shop on Torrent de l'Olla St in Barcelona (also have an online shop) with an extense variety of wools and tools. They do regular and express courses.
Cookies are from Rifacli. This factory sited in Montblanc town (Catalonia) is specialized in making this cookie fans.
I bought the lipstick and nail polishin New York this last vacations, in Sephora.

And Renata from bRAZ dESIGNER visited us! She let us try a lot of her rings! We show you a few of them in these photos. Don’t miss her creations!
You can find her collection on her blog.

See you!



From New York, Marina came back with a lot of things, like this song.

And I can't stop listening to Alt-J, especially this song:

And this one by Dry the River.

Songs to listen while I drive watching the cold landscape of Lleida. These winter days we've been dealing with fog, rain, wind and some sunshine.

Have a nice day!



If we want to personalize our homes we have several things to think of: furniture, curtains, chairs, sofas, cabinets... and we must also consider the lighting.
Many times we don’t think about lights until the end of decorative process, but the truth is that light it’s an important thing in each room or atmosphere.

Things like the size of the rooms, natural light, guidance... are basic qualities that you should look at your home.
For those who want to go further and have considered all this aspects, I want to show you two interesting items/technological gadgets.

The first one is HUE. HUE it’s a light bulb that turns on or turns off, regulate the intensity, or change color according to the taste or the intentions of the consumer.
Only with changing your light bulbs for HUE bulbs and using a WiFi device, you can send an order to the bulb. All orders are sent from the mobile phone, computer, or tablet using an application available for Apple and Android.

You can choose colors and intensities from a wide range of preferences, and even can choose the color of light touching a picture of our personal album.
It's a bit difficult to explain, so take a look at the following video and you will understand better. It’s funny to see how it works!


The second kind of light is one of those things that can facilitate you existence but you can live perfectly well without them. It’s that kind of things that we call "a whim".

It’s a light, made by Philips, (the WAKE UP LIGHT) to be placed in the bedside table. It’s connected to the phone, and it turns on very slowly in order to have a more pleasant and soft awake in the morning.

I put here some photos, but on their website you can find a video that shows the process much better!

And I let you another video.

So  now you know  how to have a pleasing awake and how to decorate your house in a thousand of different ways!


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